Trainer: Nick Cocco is an Accredited EMDRAA and EMDRNZ Consultant and EMDR Institute Trainer
Dates: Please see List of training Dates
Registration from: 8-8.30am
Sessions: 8.30am – 5pm Days 1 & 2; 4pm finish on Day 3
NOTE: Minimum numbers are required before trainings will proceed. Applicants should defer making travel arrangements until it is confirmed that the training will proceed. This is done 14 days before training is scheduled to begin.
EMDR is recognised as having the highest level of research evidence for the treatment of PTSD by the Australian Psychological Society (EBPI Review 2010).
Over 300 studies have been published showing EMDR to be effective for treating depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, body dysmorphia, etc. It has been used effectively with children and adolescents.
The EMDR INSTITUTE authorised Basic Training, comprised of WEEKEND 1 and 2, is designed for appropriately qualified/registered mental health practitioners who treat clients in a clinical setting. EMDR is a complex approach to psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and self-esteem issues related to upsetting past traumatic events and present life conditions. This interactional, standardized approach has been empirically tested with patients evincing a considerable range of presenting complaints, including, loss of a loved one, rape, sexual molestation, Vietnam combat and natural disaster. As a therapeutic treatment model that has been developed with an understanding of human behavior, EMDR addresses clinical issues relevant to behavior in the social environment.
There is a requirement for 10 hours of additional consultation to be taken as 5 hours between Weekend 1 and Weekend 2 and 5 hours post attendance at Weekend 2. Completion of Weekends 1 & 2 and the 10 hours of additional consultation constitutes completed Basic Training in EMDR and eligibility for full membership of the EMDR Australia Association (EMDRAA).
Workshop fees do not include case consultation.
Case Consultation will be provided by group supervision after each training at times to be arranged. In most cases dates for consultation will be agreed upon at the training. Case consultation can also be undertaken on an individual basis if preferred in 1 or 2 hour time slots by private arrangement with Nick Cocco. Case consultation can be done with EMDRAA accredited Consultants who are also Approved by the EMDR Institute as Facilitators.
2 Year Time Frame for Completion of an EMDRAA Approved EMDR Training
Beginning 1 January 2017 participants who begin the EMDR training must complete the entire training within 24 months from their initial start date unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Will be granted after after completion of the requirements detailed below and will provide eligibility of Membership of EMDRAA
Certificate of Completion Requirements:
- Completion of Weekend 1 and Weekend 2 Trainings (within a 2 year time frame)
- Required Reading: Shapiro, F (2018). Eye Movement Desenitization and Reprocessing: Basic Principles, protocols and procedures (3rd ed.). New York: Guildford Press.
- 10 hours of case consultation with an EMDR Institute Approved Consultant (5 hours are required prior to Weekend 2 & 5 hours after Weekend 2)
Disabilities/Special Needs: If you have a disability which may impact on your ability to attend and/or benefit from this training please contact Nick Cocco in order to describe your concerns. Every effort will be made to provide for reasonable accommodations which may assist you to undertake this training.
Trainings shall be conducted in a supportive and non-discriminatory environment regardless of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture or religion.
This experiential training will familiarize participants with THE EMDR model of psychotherapy. In particular, the following areas are covered in Part 1 of Basic EMDR training.
10 hours of didactic + 10 hours of supervised practice
- Name 2 websites that list research relevant to EMDR therapy
- List 3 types of client’s presenting issues that have been successfully treated with EMDR therapy
- Name 3 proposed mechanisms of action in EMDR therapy
- Describe an important premise of the Adaptive Information Processing model
- List the components of memory
- Name the 8 phases of EMDR therapy
- Identify the prongs of the Three-Pronged Protocol of EMDR therapy
- Describe 3 criteria on the Client Readiness Checklist
- Distinguish between Direct Questioning and the Floatback technique during Phase 1 History Taking and Treatment Planning
- List the informational plateaus
- Distinguish between state change and trait change in EMDR therapy
- Describe one purpose for Safe/Calm State utilization
- Identify the purpose of the Assessment Phase of EMDR therapy
- Identify the purpose of utilizing the SUD scale and what it stands for
- Describe when to return to target in Phase 4 Desensitization.
- Identify the purpose of the VOC scale and what it stands for
- Describe how to conduct the Phase 6 Body Scan
- Describe three strategies for assisting a client to stay within the window of tolerance
- Describe how to resume reprocessing following an incomplete target memory.
- Describe when you would apply the Future Template
This experiential training will familiarize participants with a broad spectrum of EMDR applications sufficient for comfortable and efficient use with a wide range patients and situations. Special attention will be given to the therapeutic needs of clients.
10 hours of didactic + 10 hours of supervised practice
- Distinguish between a client’s presenting problems and underlying issues
- Describe 3 strategies to treat complex trauma-related disorders
- Identify 2 internal and external resources that clients need to have in place to do reprocessing
- Describe 3 client factors that indicate the need for additional stabilization and resourcing
- Describe the 3 different types of resources used in Resource Development and Installation
- Distinguish between EMD, restricted reprocessing and the EMDR standard protocol
- Identify 2 clinical situations where EMD would be appropriate as an intervention
- Distinguish between a recent traumatic experience and developmental trauma
- Identify when you would initially target a recent past experience versus a touchstone memory
- Describe a process to select and prioritize targets appropriate for EMDR treatment
- Describe how to offer a cognitive interweave when the client’s reprocessing is blocked
- Describe 3 strategies for dealing with highly emotional responses
- Describe 3 ways that EMDR therapy facilitates cultural responsiveness
- Name 3 adverse cultural experiences that can contribute to maladaptive memory networks
- Distinguish when to use memory reprocessing versus psychological first aid with grief related issues
- Distinguish between a simple phobia and a process phobia
- Describe 2 clinical symptoms that may indicate the presence of dissociation during a session
- Describe 3 strategies for working with dissociative responses during reprocessing
- Identify three clinical choices (past/present/future) for where to start reprocessing with addictions and compulsions
- Identify one category of experiences appropriate for reprocessing with combat veterans
EMDR is a specialized approach that requires supervised training for full therapeutic effectiveness and client safety. The training will consist of lecture, live and videotaped demonstrations and supervised practice. The format of this workshop has been designed by the originator of EMDR, Francine Shapiro, PhD. The workshop leaders have been individually selected and trained by her to provide the comprehensive information necessary for appropriate client selection and effective utilization of EMDR. This is the workshop program which has been taught by Dr. Shapiro since 1990. EMDR Institute adheres to the ethical standards of APA, social work, nursing and mental health boards.
(a) Weekend 1 and Weekend 2 Trainings (excluding 10 hour Consultation requirement) are each charged at: $1000 ($1100 inc GST) per participant; earlybird (4 weeks before date of training) $900 ($990 inc GST)
(b) Consultation: Groups of up to ten participants will be charged at $60 per hour (total of $330 inc GST for 5 hours) per participant. Individual sessions will be charged at $242.00 (inclusive of GST) per hour.
Refunds: $50 plus GST ($55) cancellation fee. No refunds for cancellation within 14 days of a booked training.
ENTRY: This training is only available to registered psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health practitioners with at least 4 years of tertiary level professional training in mental health and 2 years of professional supervised experience. Information regarding eligibility for training can be obtained on the EMDRAA website:
Attendance at the Weekend 2 workshop is limited individuals who have completed the EMDR Institute Weekend 1 Basic Training and can provide evidence of completion of 5 hours of consultation post Weekend 1 training with an EMDR Institute approved facilitator and/or trainer.
TO APPLY: Please email for an application form to:
LOCATION: See Training Dates List
EMDR information: